This cinematic sci-fi thriller of a music video directed by Jean-Paul Frenay (and funded by Swiss rock band Kyasma) tells the tale of a ‘looming crystalline disease’ that inevitably takes it’s toll on the promo’s main protagonist, played by Denis Carpentier. It was shortlisted for Best Music-based Film at The Van d’Or Awards 2013 and is included in the 2014 season Official Selection for Cannes in a Van. It’ll also be screening at the next Screen Social in London on Wednesday 13th November.
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11.06.14 Screen Social: COMPULSORY Viewing
The Fugue (dir. Xavier Bonnin): International Trailer
Festival De Cannes: 2014 Short Films Selection
STUDENT FILM MONTH: Callum (dir. Michael van der Put, 2012)
STUDENT FILM MONTH: Harley (dir. Tom Teller, 2013)
STUDENT FILM MONTH: Out of Sight (dir. Ya-Ting Yu, 2010)